Saturday , February 15 2025
Airtel CEO, Others Pen Tributes to MTN's Consumer Marketing GM, Late Wole Rawa

Airtel CEO, Others Pen Tributes to MTN’s Consumer Marketing GM, Late Wole Rawa

Wole was a Gentleman. True to his passion and honest in his dealings. Very clear on what he wanted and he went about it with passion and honour.

One of the best guys I missed working with. Rest in Peace.”
Segun Ogunsanya
MD /C. E. O Airtel Nigeria

Posted by Bisola Ogbonnaya on March 4, 2021

“Dear Wole” as i would always write…coming to terms with this has been so so so difficult, very trying times…so many unanswered questions…

But as the days go by, just this song keeps coming to mind “just one passion, just one purpose, let me know you more and more, when i know you i’ll find me” …

Wole you knew Jesus (as you would fondly call yourself “emi omo Jesus”) and you found YOU…very evident in the testimonials of everyone. You touched every life and made a huge impact in everyone you came across. That i believe is the true meaning of living…You lived Wole and you continue to live on…

So I will not bow my head in defeat but I raise my head in victory and join others to celebrate a Life well spent, confident that you are smiling and resting in the bosom of our Lord.

We receive strength to carry on the legacy you left behind.

Goodnight dear friend, boss and brother.

ALSO READ: MTN Enrols 37.2 Million NINs

# Posted by Debo Agun on March 1, 2021

Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?

Baba Agba.. My heart is heavy, my eyes sore, and my spirit frail.. I have asked ‘why?’ continously with no answers.. Why now? Why you?

You were the mirror through which I looked at life, and now that you are no more, that mirror is shattered. I stay up most nights, calling your name, and hoping that when the day breaks, you would answer. But alas, you have gone silent on us..

For once, I felt defeated; an experience I have never had with you. You were a visionary leader, and always had a solution for every situation; you would always reassure us of victory. And now that we needed you the most to show that attribute of yours again, you went silent on us..

Hmmmmm.. How do we get over this rude shock? How do we get this weight of your absence off our chests? How do we maneuver the troubled waters ahead? Some of us have experienced what your absence does to the team, and I can only imagine the battle ahead, knowing that you are gone and never to return..

Although difficult to accept, we take solace in the fact that you have gone to rest in the bossom of God, and you’re smiling down on us..

We are all broken, and we pray God heals us..

Baba Agba, we miss you dearly, and Olayinka misses you the most..

Rest on my boss, my brother, my friend..
Rest on Lord Rawa (Omo Jesus)..

#Posted by Tayo George on February 27, 2021

I’ve lost a leader, my best friend, my business partner, my counsel, my inspiration, my greatest cheerleader, my voice of reason. Always pushing for everyone to be better! I’m constantly fighting the war to ascertain if I’m in the real world or if it’s all a dream.

Where do I even begin? My ‘Mr Rawanson’ as I fondly annoyingly called you sometimes (a random play on ‘Lawanson’), you knew how special you were to me, because I made sure I told you often. You were the one fighting for me when I wasn’t in the room. I’ve never worked for someone who believed so much in my talents and abilities. You believed in me, against all belief. You gave me a reason to wake up each morning and come to work, or work from home. Kai! Life will never be the same oh. My investment advisor, my sounding board.

You told me 2 weeks ago that your utmost priority was making it to heaven and you said it often. I’m glad for that. ‘Emi omo Jesus!’, you said often.

You were kind and generous to a fault, forgiving of the worst offenses. Your life was a sermon. You always asked me, ‘Tayo, what is the second greatest commandment? Love your neighbor as yourself!’. You would then ask me why it was always so hard for people especially Christians to do this and that was always your guiding principle.

You loved your Salt Lagos cakes! If it’s not salt, it’s not cake! You were the glue; the one who mediated and brought people together. I enjoyed entrepreneurship with you; you always said ‘Tayo, we have a billion dollar business on our hands! We must keep pushing!’.

We would have been lifelong friends. There was nothing we couldn’t tell each other. We would always jokingly say ‘a ti mö rawa better’. You told me our blood had mixed and that you were officially my big brother and there was nothing I could ever hide from you. It was true.

You changed my life Wole. You always pushed me to be better. You made me believe nothing was out of my reach in life. The significant milestones I’ve achieved in life were all because of your encouragement and support. You took a huge risk and gave me a chance to become a general on your team; glad I made you proud and never disappointed you. I’ll try to keep doing that; so help me God.

You made my family and I’s Christmas in 2020; you know what you did. You were just a rare soul. One in a million oh! Mr Rawa. I don’t understand this, but I know God understands it and I rest in the fact that He does.

There’s really nothing I can type that can quantify how amazing you were or the friendship we shared. I kept telling you that God made me wait in MTN for 7 years till you came along so that our paths could cross. I’m thankful God did that. I’m thankful for the gift of you, thankful for the privilege to have done life with you, thankful for everything you taught me. I’m thankful for all the laughter we shared, you taught me to chill!

You were too good for the earth. Now, you’re right we’re you belong; in the bosom of our Father and our Lord Jesus, resting from all of life’s stress. We will surely meet again.

Love you Wole

#Posted by Mabel Olagesin on February 26, 2021

A rare gem; that is what you were boss. You loved and cared for us deeply and genuinely, regardless of the rank. You lived such an impactful life. There was a special touch to everything you did, it was always exquisite. We celebrate the life you lived, even if we wish you’d stayed longer.

Oga Wole, forever in our hearts.

#Posted by Adekola Folarin on February 26, 2021

Sighs…. This one hurts so deep, it hurts sooo much. Wole, I still remember how you patiently waited for me to join the meeting on that fateful day because i was to lead the regular prayers before commencement of the meeting.

“Folarin, any wins?” Is what you’d always say in our monday morning meetings. Wole celebrated even the littlest milestones, be it business or personal because he knew what it meant to do anything that moves the needle. Wole was an all round person, he loved God, he GENUINELY cared about people, he believed in people’s potentials, he partied hard when the time came.

Oluwole Rawa was a consummate professional, he embodied excellence, a genius, a visionary, always ten steps ahead. I always marveled at his understanding of things, it seemed like he was some sort of divine human, and maybe, just maybe you were divine because  your energy was so contagious that everyone around you felt it. Your demise has had me asking so many questions Wole, sooooo many questions because this doesn’t make any sense to me. I feel very privileged to have worked with you because you emptied yourself, you gave your all to the business, to your family and your team. Thank you for sharing yourself with us Wole, we will live with your memory engraved in our hearts forever.

Rest assured Wole, that you’ve left an indelible mark on us and the world. I’m still finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that you’re gone, and I can’t believe I’m speaking of you in the past tense. But I’ll take solace in the fact that you’re smiling down at us from heaven, so we will surely meet again at the feet of Christ.

You will be sorely missed Oluwole Rawa. Rest In Peace my Boss, Colleague and more importantly, MY FRIEND. You will never be forgotten. ❤️❤️

Biography of Oluwole Rawa

The Early Years

Oluwole Olanrewaju Rawa was born in Ibadan on the 13th of June 1976 to Frederick Olu and Helen Olayinka Rawa.
As a young boy, although a bit rascally, Wole was hardworking, diligent, dedicated, ambitious and extremely generous and kind hearted.

Wole was the second of three children and the only male. He shared a strong bond with his sisters. He adored, cherished and doted on them, providing a fatherly figure since the call to glory of their late dad.

Wole attended Christ School Ado for his secondary education and proceeded to University of Ilorin for his BSC Degree in Civil Engineering. He completed his National Youth. Service at Mobil Producing.
Wole was survived by his beautiful daughter, Olayinka; and siblings.

Academic and Professional Life

Wole worked for Oceanic Bank for about three years before moving on to the Telecom sector. He worked for Econet, now Airtel from where he moved to Etisalat, rising to the position of Director, Marketing Segments and Strategy.

He had a love for learning and continuous improvement which led him to complete an Advanced Business programme at Harvard Business School USA.
He was the General Manager, Consumer Marketing at MTN at the time of his demise.




About Bukola Olanrewaju

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